Updated June 1, 2024. This Privacy Policy is subject to change without notice.

Rohit Management Inc. and its affiliates  (“Rohit Group of Companies”, “Rohit Group”, “Company”, “our” or “we”)  respects the sensitivity of Personal Information they obtain when conducting their business operations. Rohit Group is committed to providing a clear Privacy Policy applicable to our customers, employees, contractors and volunteers.

This Privacy Policy describes how Rohit Group collects, uses and discloses Personal Information. This Privacy Policy describes how Rohit Group operates its websites, which may affect Personal Information.

Rohit Group’s collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information are subject to, and managed   in accordance with, Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act, as amended (“PIPA”).

Rohit Group may collect Personal Information: (1) directly from our customers, employees, contractors or volunteers; (2) from third parties with the consent of our customers, employees , contractors or volunteers; or (3) as authorized by law.

Please note that this Privacy Policy includes a section dedicated to Personal Employee Information.

Definition – Personal Information

Personal Information is any information, in any form (i.e., paper, verbal, or electronic form), which is about  an identifiable individual. Personal Information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Name;
  • home address;
  • phone number;
  • email address;
  • your responses to questions or surveys;
  • credit and financial information; and
  • other identifying numbers that would reveal the identity of an individual.

Purposes for Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information

Except as otherwise authorized by law, Rohit Group collects, uses, and discloses Personal Information only for the purposes that reasonably arise as the Company carries out its business operations, such as providing services to our customers and engaging with our employees, contractors and volunteers (“Our Business Purposes”).

Our Business Purposes include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • To review and improve the information, content and services provided on the Website
  • To understand your interest and requirements
  • For customer service
  • For customer retention
  • To analyze and report on Website traffic, marketing and usage trends
  • To comply with and in order to assess compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, and internal policies and procedures,
  • For the management and administration of our business

Rohit Group may also, from time to time, summarize and compile Personal Information for internal statistical purposes to analyze our business operations (generally, “Aggregate Non-Identifying Information”). Aggregate Non-Identifying Information is used for analytical purposes only and is no longer Personal Information.


Rohit Group collects, uses, and discloses Personal Information in accordance with PIPA and with consent, where consent is required. In certain circumstances, PIPA authorizes the collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Information without the consent for example, if the use, collection, or disclosure of Personal Information is necessary to respond to an emergency, or where it would otherwise be inappropriate to obtain consent. In certain circumstances, consent may be implied when a customer, employee, contractor or volunteer provides personal information for an obvious purpose.

Rohit Group’s Website

Rohit Group operates active websites. Our Internet service provider(s) may collect data about third party use of our active websites including the following data for statistical purposes: Internet address, domain name, date and time of website use, pages and documents downloaded, previous website visited and type of browser used. This data is only used for statistical and website development purposes.

If you use our websites, you do so voluntarily and are deemed to consent to our collection of data as described in this paragraph.

Storage of PERSONAL Information and Location of BUSINESS ACTIVITIES

Rohit Group reserves the right to locate its servers, information technology infrastructure, databases and software applications (including those which store and process Personal Information) at its facilities or at the facilities of independent service providers who may be located worldwide including but not limited to the United States of America.

Rohit Group may change the location of such servers, information technology infrastructure, databases and software applications at any time and without any explicit notice to, or permission of, its customers, employees or contractors.


Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your browser by an active website you visit. Cookies help active websites identify and store data about your visit. Cookies are a common method by which active websites store data about your visit which can track and recall your preferences, save your password and other details to make your next website visit more enjoyable.

Cookies inform Rohit Group about the type of internet browser you are using, type of computer operating system you are using and the domain name of the website from which you linked to our websites or advertisements.

The data identified and stored by Cookies are not Personal Information, as such data are not about an identifiable individual.

Cookies help Rohit Group analyze use of our active websites and may also be used for marketing or re-Marketing purposes.

Rohit Group advertisements may be shown on Google networks, and other third-party vendors, across the Internet. Rohit Group and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party Cookies (such as the Google Analytics Cookies) and third-party Cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookies) together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on visits to our websites.

If you prefer not to store Cookies you can choose to do the following:

  • Set your browser to notify you when you receive a Cookie;
  • Set your browser to refuse to accept Cookies;
  • Delete our Cookies after visiting our websites;
  • Browse our website using your browser’s anonymous usage setting; or
  • Not use our websites.

Please note that some features of our websites may not function properly if you choose not to accept our Cookies.

Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reports

Demographics and interests reports may be gathered through Google Analytics including:

  • Overview (overview of traffic by age and gender);
  • Age (traffic by age ranges);
  • Gender (traffic by gender);
  • Overview (overview of traffic by affinity and other categories);
  • Affinity categories (behaviour by affinity categories);
  • In-Market categories (behaviour by in-market categories); and
  • Other categories (behavior by other interest categories).

These Google Analytics reports allow Rohit Group to see how users of our websites engage over a date range, as well as to understand the demographics of users of our websites (including how online behaviour varies by demographic attribute).

Data for these reports is collected from use of third-party DoubleClick Cookies and device identifier functionality. This information allows us to improve our services and tailor our content to better meet your needs.


By using Rohit Group websites, you consent to the collection and use of your Personal Information by Rohit Group as described in the Privacy Policy then in effect.

Any changes to Rohit Group’s Privacy Policy will be posted to our websites.

You are responsible for periodically checking our websites for changes to our Privacy Policy. If our Privacy Policy is not acceptable to you, please do not submit any of your Personal Information to Rohit Group.

Our websites contain copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise proprietary or licensed intellectual property of Rohit Group (“Content”). Content includes images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, trademarks, logos, text, software, sounds, music, the website as a whole and any other materials on our websites.

You may download Contents solely for your personal, non-commercial use, provided you do not delete or modify any copyright and other proprietary notices . No other type of Content use is permitted. Downloading or copying Content does not transfer any right, title or interest in any Content to you.

The downloading or export of software or technical data from this Site to any jurisdiction in violation of Canadian export laws is strictly prohibited.


Use of Rohit Group’s websites is at your own risk.

Rohit Group provides our websites, Contents and services “as is”, without express or implied warranty, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.

Some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you.

Rohit Group also does not warrant that your use of our websites, the operation or function of our websites, our Contents or any services offered through or from our websites, will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that our websites (or servers hosting our websites) are free of viruses or other harmful elements. In addition, Rohit Group does not make any representations regarding the currency, accuracy or reliability of information on our websites.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Rohit Group harmless from and against any claims, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney fees, arising from, or related to your use of our website or your violation of any provision of this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy shall be construed according to the laws of the Province of Alberta and all Canadian laws applicable in the Province of Alberta. To the extent of any inconsistency, the laws of the Province of Alberta shall govern.

Any dispute arising under or relating to this Privacy Policy, Content or the use of our websites shall be resolved exclusively by the applicable authority within the jurisdiction of the Province of Alberta to the exclusion of all other jurisdictions and venues.



Rohit Group collects, uses and discloses Personal Information in a manner appropriate to its sensitivity and in accordance with PIPA. Rohit Group has reasonable security arrangements to prevent any unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or destruction of Personal Information.

When Rohit Group collects, uses, or discloses Personal Information, it makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the Personal Information collected, used and disclosed is accurate and complete. An individual who is aware of any errors in their Personal Information may contact Rohit Group to request changes to their Personal Information. Rohit Group will make the requested changes where appropriate.

The appropriateness of a particular method of communication may be influenced by circumstances and by those whose privacy or confidentiality interests are involved.

Those working for or on behalf of Rohit Group must:

  • make reasonable efforts to minimize the risk of unintentional disclosure of Personal Information;
  • take special care to ensure that Personal Information is not overseen, overheard, accessed, or lost when working from premises other than Rohit Group’s offices; and
  • take reasonable steps to protect Personal Information when travelling between locations

Rohit Group does not sell any information to third parties.

All contractors having access to Personal Information in Rohit Group’s custody or control will be advised of this Privacy Policy and other applicable policies and processes to ensure the security and protection of Personal Information.

All contractors will agree to abide by the Privacy Policy and processes prior to commencing work.

Retention and Disposal of Personal Information

Under PIPA, Rohit Group may retain Personal Information only for as long as it reasonably requires that Personal Information for its business operations.

Under its retention guidelines, Rohit Group may securely destroy Personal Information when the Personal Information is no longer required or transfer the Personal Information as authorized by law for permanent retention.

For further information on Rohit Group’s approach to retention and disposal of Personal Information, please contact Rohit Group’s  Privacy Officer using the contact information provided within this Privacy Policy.

Right to seek access to and correction of Personal Information

Under PIPA, an individual is entitled to:

  • seek access to their Personal Information in records in Rohit Group’s custody or control;
  • ask about Rohit Group’s use of their Personal Information and the names of persons to whom, and the circumstances in which, the Personal Information has been disclosed outside of Rohit Group;
  • request a correction of an error or omission they believe to be in their Personal Information.

Access or correction requests must be in writing and directed to Rohit Group’s Privacy Officer.

The request must provide enough detail to enable Rohit Group to process the request.

Rohit Group will respond within 45 days, unless it extends the time as authorized by law, including under the terms of PIPA.

Rohit Group may charge a reasonable fee to provide access to an individual’s Personal Information. No fee will be charged for a correction request. Rohit Group will advise the individual in writing of any applicable fees before processing the request.

Rohit Group will not provide access to, or a copy of, Personal Information if:

  • the disclosure of that Personal Information could reasonably be expected to threaten the life or security of another individual;
  • the Personal Information would reveal Personal Information about another individual; or
  • the Personal Information would reveal the identity of an individual who has provided an opinion about another individual in confidence and has not consented to the disclosure of his or her identity.


If individuals are not satisfied with the way Rohit Group has handled their Personal Information, they may submit a complaint to Rohit Group’s Privacy Officer for investigation.

Rohit Group’s Privacy Officer will determine whether the handling of Personal Information complied with PIPA, Rohit Group’s protocols and practices, and any other applicable law.

Rohit Group’s Privacy Officer will make every reasonable effort to resolve complaints. The individual making the complaint will be informed of any progress or outcome of the investigation within 45 days of submission.

However, individuals can seek advice from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (“Commissioner”).

An individual can file a written complaint with the Commissioner’s office. Individuals are encouraged to submit a complaint to Rohit Group’s Privacy Officer before consulting the Commissioner.


Personal Employee Information is defined as Personal Information relating to an individual
who is an employee, contractor or volunteer (or potential employee, contractor or volunteer) of Rohit Group, including those who work under an employment agreement, contract or as volunteers, that is collected, used, or disclosed for the purposes of establishing, managing, or terminating an employment, commercial or volunteer relationship. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Contact information;
  • Photo identification for security and identification purposes;
  • Driver abstracts and other information about driving records;
  • Criminal background checks, only when appropriate in the circumstances;
  • Employment history such as resumes, and information about educational background, work history and references;
  • Reference information and interview notes, letters of offer and acceptance of employment, policy acknowledgment forms, workplace performance evaluations; and
  • Benefit information such as forms relating to applications or changes to health and insurance benefits.

Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Employee Information

Rohit Group collects, uses, and discloses Personal Employee Information to meet the following purposes:

  • Determining eligibility for employment, including verifying qualifications and references;
  • Establishing training and development requirements;
  • Assessing performance and managing performance issues if they arise;
  • Investigating any incidents or accidents that occur in the workplace;
  • Administering pay and benefits;
  • Processing employee work-related claims;
  • Complying with requirements of regulatory bodies;
  • Complying with applicable laws;
  • in order to establish, manage or terminate the employment relationship;
  • in order to deposit paychecks and tax related information including social insurance numbers;

Employment and Volunteer References

In certain cases, when an Individual’s relationship with Rohit Group ends, other organizations might contact the Company in order to request a reference. It is Company policy not to disclose Personal Employee Information to other organizations. With the consent of the Individual, Rohit Group may confirm that the Individual was an employee/contractor/volunteer of Rohit Group, including details regarding their position, the date range, and other general information about the Individual’s job duties.

Retention and Destruction of Personal Information

Rohit Group retains Personal Employee Information only as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected, or for legal or business purposes.

Rohit Group will retain Personal Employee Information for at least three (3) years after the Individual’s relationship ends with Rohit Group.

Rohit Group uses appropriate security measures when safeguarding Personal Employee Information, such as requiring that Individuals sign confidentiality agreements, keeping physical records in locked filing cabinets and using computer technology such as passwords, encryption, and firewall. In addition, we use appropriate safeguards and security measures when destroying Personal Employee Information, including shredding paper records and permanently deleting electronic records.

Access to and Correction of Records Containing Personal Information

Individuals have a right to access their own Personal Employee Information in a record that is in the custody or control of Rohit Group, subject to exceptions contained in privacy legislation.

All access requests for Personal Employee Information must be in writing and sufficient information must be provided to allow the Company to identify the personal information you are seeking. Requests are to be directed to Rohit Group’s Privacy Officer.

Rohit Group makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the Personal Employee Information in the custody or under the control of Rohit Group is accurate and complete. If an Individual is aware of an error or omission in his or her Personal Employee Information that is in the custody or under the control of Rohit Group, or his or her Personal Employee Information requires updating, they are to let Rohit Group know and the Company will, subject to legal limitations, correct the information as soon as reasonably possible or annotate the records to indicate that the correction was requested but not made.

Individuals may make a request for access to their Personal Employee Information by writing to Rohit Group’s Privacy Officer at the address provided below.

The Privacy Officer will assist the Individual making the access or correction request and will respond in a timely manner. The response provided will indicate whether access to the requested records will be granted, and if access is refused, provide an explanation for the reasons for the refusal. Individuals making an access or correction request will be informed that they may request that Rohit Group’s decision be reviewed by Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner.


If you have a questions or concerns about Rohit Group’s collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information, Personal Employee Information, or about this Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer:

Rohit Group

#120, 10130-112 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5K 2K4

Telephone: 780.436.9015

Any parties that are not satisfied with the response they receive may contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta:

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta

#410, 9925 – 109 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J8
Phone: 780-422-6860
Toll Free: 1-888-878-4044